I suffered sexual violence in my teenage years and I was afraid of my body, especially my erotic energy. I would frequently dissociate during intimacy. I could only feel confident sexually when I used cannabis. I knew the potential for uninhibited sexual expression was there, but I had no idea how to stay present and connected to my body without altering my consciousness. Over the past year working with Nijlan, I have healed a decade of sexual trauma and inhibiting narratives. I’ve learned what feels good and developed the conviction to ask for what I want and say no without shame. I can self-regulate and set boundaries when sexual energy is present. I am no longer afraid of being seen as a sexual being and I don’t need cannabis to express my sexuality. I’ve come to trust and love my body and to fully live in it. The work with Nijlan has been transformative beyond my relationship with sex. I am in intimacy with myself and I am more powerful in every area of my life! Nijlan’s pure magic and I feel so lucky to receive their skilled facilitation and mentorship.

R. ~ Erosotic Attunement

Nijlan supported me with compassion, thoughtfulness and skill to resolve blockages to accessing my power that I didn’t even know existed and to discover new gifts within myself. I now connect better with others and experience my authentic self like never before. After just a few sessions working together, my life is fundamentally different. Nijlan is a true healer. I am eternally grateful.

R. ~ Erosotic Attunement

Nijlan role models presence, devotion and playfulness in all they do. We crossed paths during a uniquely restorative time in my life, when I was learning to connect with my body in new ways, but unaware of the world of medicine available to support me on that journey. In our session I was met with love, care, and exquisite communication as we created a sacred space for me to safely explore my eroticism. That experience, in addition to their homework assignments and our conversations before and after, sowed the seeds of a massive expansion in the role of self pleasure in my life to support empowerment, creativity, and self-love. I’ve gone places and am dreaming of lives that I never thought were possible. It is a real privilege and gift to know and work with Nijlan.

A. ~ Erosotic Attunement

Deep bow of gratitude for my time with Nijlan. They hold impeccable space to share sacred medicine ways. Their great care of ceremony and prayer is rare and invigorating. I felt preciously held during our session and was able to drop into a vivid and memorable meditation. My relationship to Rapé deepened through their wisdom transmission. To this day I draw inspiration from the experience and carry it into my consistent home practice.

S. ~ Sacred Medicine Path

I was on the brink of an erotic emergence and needed a safe space to process the inevitable waves and energetic recoils of crossing a threshold. I felt confused, frustrated, overwhelmed and not trusting of myself. I wanted a spiritual midwife to guide me through the birth canal into the next chapter. Nijlan was that person. Stepping into a Temple Visit with Nijlan was like entering the deepest, oracular conversation with the Universe of my life. Nijlan’s presence immediately soothed my heart and nervous system. The tangible nourishment surprised me – I had no idea this could happen over zoom! In the course of an hour, Nijlan gently guided, reflected, and helped weave back pieces I hadn’t realized were missing. They helped me find words to what I was experiencing, and I felt truly heard, and witnessed. Being met this way is a profound rarity. I have now entered into a deep relationship with my eros-driven creative energy. I am grateful that life guided me to Nijlan for support. They were organized, prompt, thoughtful, and chock-full of resources and tools for both during and after the Visit. The incredible post-Visit channeled blessing continues to attune, recalibrate and blow my mind every time I read it!

M. ~ Temple Visit

I had the privilege of working with Nijlan in a Temple Visit. What a unique and life-changing experience. I had been asking questions about my spiritual practice and trying to understand how to carry my voice in the world. They provided a beautiful space for reflection and helped me to discover a new perspective about my spirituality that shored up my confidence to walk my path. I left our session with a clearer vision of how I want to relate to my gifts and the world around me. They also sent me home with a special blend of rapé that perfectly aligned with my prayer and helped me to claim the power of my voice. Nijlan is an absolute wealth of knowledge and walks in magical worlds that others rarely touch. If you’re looking for support to deepen your spiritual practices connect with this angel being.

M. ~ Temple Visit

Nijlan is a beautiful healer and facilitator. They hold a balanced, safe space that is full of so much love. Nijlan’s music is pure medicine for the Soul, a sound so unique and magical, it weaves a tapestry straight to the heart! Their dedication to the healing path and their study of indigenous traditions is evident in their facilitation. I felt held and safe through the journey, which allowed me to be open and to receive deep healing and transformation. It was a joy to be with Nijlan in sacred circle and I am deeply grateful for the time together.

L. ~ True Prosperity

From our first planning call to the integration call, I felt embraced by Nijlan’s warmth, light, and sight and held with respect and reverence. I have sat in many ceremonies, but never have I experienced their level of integrity…not only in how they steward medicine and relationship with Earth, but in how they carry the integration of divine feminine and masculine energies. Nijlan embodies service and devotion as a clear transmission of Love, anchored in wildness, depth, and play. I relaxed fully into my own nature while held in their impeccable container. Nijlan’s humility and curiosity created an environment where I felt safe to express, explore, and find my own voice of guidance, strength, and Love. This was the greatest gift I received… to be witnessed in my own transformation to a new magnitude of wisdom, power, and grace.

Nijlan also offered generous time and presence for preparation before the retreat and, most importantly, integration afterward. They helped me to use what was revealed during my ceremony to track an old pattern of fear that was ready to be released. The entire experience left me feeling deeply supported, seen, and excited about the path ahead. I am forever grateful and I look forward to receiving from Nijlan again. I recommend this unique and deeply healing offering for all those on the journey of awakening and liberation.

V. ~ True Prosperity